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One winter morning while playing with his animal friends, a young moose named Wade notices his antlers are wiggly, and he runs home to tell his mother. “Remember when we talked about your antlers falling off?” she says. “Don't worry. New ones will grow in the summer.” But Wade is worried. He used his antlers for so many fun things, such as paddles for Ping-Pong, perches for giving friends rides and hooks for flying kites. He didn't want to lose them! Could Wade find a way to stop his antlers from falling off? Or, if he just lets them go, would he find new ways to play?
In this charming picture book, author Louise Bradford has crafted a playful allegory for children about losing a first tooth. With Christine Battuz's amusing, exuberant art bringing Wade's story to life with sympathy as well as humor, this book makes an engaging and relatable read-aloud for story time. It provides terrific opportunities for discussions about how our bodies change as we grow up, what it feels like to go through these changes and the different ways we can celebrate the milestones. It would also work for an early life science lesson on how animals such as moose and deer lose and grow antlers and why. In addition, Wade's experience models a positive, inspiring approach to self-discovery, self-acceptance and dealing with developmental changes.
Author Bio
Louise Bradford is a two-time recipient of the Canada Council for the Arts Artists and Community Collaboration grant for her filmmaking program with at-risk youth. Louise was born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, and now lives in Ottawa, where she writes speeches for grown-ups.
Christine Battuz has illustrated over sixty books for children, including Wade's Wiggly Antlers and What If Bunny's NOT a Bully?, and has taught art to children of all ages. She lives in Bromont, Quebec.
Review Quotes
... a great read-aloud.
— CM Magazine
A valuable lesson, nicely and sympathetically delivered.
— Kirkus Reviews
Children dealing with change or experiencing loss will find comfort in Wade's positive outlook.
— School Library Journal
Biographical note
Louise Bradford is a two-time recipient of the Canada Council for the Arts Artists and Community Collaboration grant for her filmmaking program with at-risk youth. Louise was born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, and now lives in Ottawa, where she writes speeches for grown-ups.
Christine Battuz was born in France and received her Masters of Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia in Italy. She has illustrated over sixty books for children, and has taught art to children of all ages. Christine draws all the time, and she also loves camping near mountains and rivers --- especially with her husband and son. She lives in Bromont, Quebec.