Available for in-person visits: Ontario's York Region
Available for virtual visits: Saskatchewan and Ontario
Craft: Author
Genre: Picture Books, Middle-Grade Fiction, Teen Fiction, Non-Fiction, Graphic Novels
Target Audience: Kindergarten to Grade 8
Cost for School and Public Presentation: $250.00, plus applicable taxes
Deborah Kerbel is the author of over 25 books for young people. Her work has garnered critical recognition from review journals and award nominations including the Governor General’s Literary Award, the Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver Canadian Picture Book Award, and the CLA’s YA Book Award, among others. Her graphic novel, Fred and Marjorie: A Doctor, a Dog, and the Discovery of Insulin, is an ALA ‘Best Graphic Novel for Children’, a Bankstreet Books ‘Best of the Year’, a Forest of Reading Yellow Cedar Award winner and a Red Cedar Award winner. Born in London, England, Deborah lives in Thornhill, Ontario with her family.
Presentation Information:
Sun Dog (Kindergarten-Grade 3)
*a shorter, 25-minute version of this presentation is available on request for Kindergarten classes.
During this 45-minute presentation, Deborah reads from her award-winning picture book, Sun Dog, and discusses the inspiration behind the story. Deborah talks about where ideas come from and how thoughts and ideas can grow into something bigger. With the audience, she looks at the artwork and talks about the differences between rough drafts and final illustrations. Finally, Deborah discusses some of the science between the pages such as the Arctic Circle, Midnight Sun, Sun Dogs, as well as life in the Arctic.
The final 10-15 minutes of the presentation will be available for Q & A.
Weather Days (Kindergarten-Grade 3)
*a shorter, 25-minute version of this presentation is available on request for Kindergarten classes.
During this 45-minute presentation, Deborah will read each of the four titles from her award-winning picture book series (Snow Days, Sunny Days, Windy Days, Rainy Days), and discuss the inspiration behind the stories. She'll speak to students about the seasons and the various different kinds of weather that accompany them. There will be fun grade-specific STEM activities to accompany each book.
The final 10-15 minutes of the presentation will be available for Q & A.
The Path to Publication (Grades 4-8)
During this interactive 60-minute presentation, Deborah discusses who she is, how she became a writer, and her road to publication. She also includes a fun quiz on famous children’s authors which always captures the interest of the audience and encourages their participation. Publication is a difficult road and one of the main themes of Deborah's presentation is how hard work, persistence, and determination will always lead to success. She also discusses her novels and upcoming projects, including various personal anecdotes about each of her books.
During the final 15 minutes of the presentation, Deborah gives a reading and holds a Q & A session.
Fred & Marjorie (Grades 4-8)
During this 60-minute presentation, Deborah will discuss and expand on the historical and scientific themes from her graphic novel, Fred & Marjorie, starting with an explanation of what diabetes is, how it used to be treated before insulin, the role of insulin in the body, and the process by which it was discovered by Banting and Best in Ontario in 1921. Deborah will also discuss the role of the insulin dogs in this discovery, and touch on the ethics of using animals in medical research.
The final 10-15 minutes of the presentation will be available for Q & A.
WORKSHOP: Ready? Set? Write! Putting the Pieces of a Story Together (Grades 4-8)
Designed to help emerging writers take their craft to the next level, participants can expect to come away with a variety of new creative ideas and material for their writing as well as the tools to implement them. This fun, interactive workshop covers the following points:
- Ideas—where do writers get their material?
- Character— what makes a good character? What do you need to know about your characters before you let them step foot onto your page? We will do a brainstorming writing exercise in character development.
- Setting—how different settings and scenes can shape your story and improve its readability. We will do an interactive exercise on setting selection.
- Problem—what’s going to give your story the narrative thrust? What problem will engage your reader right off the top and force dramatic reactions out of your characters? The central problem is what will make your reader CARE about your character and be compelled to turn the page to see how they resolve it.
- Action—each word in your story has the task of pushing the narrative forward. But where does your story begin? And where does it end? Getting right to the heart of your story by identifying these points is essential. Once that’s done, a writer is free to jump right into the action.
During the final part of the workshop, participants will write a scene using some of the character traits, setting ideas, and problems that were collectively brainstormed within the group.
Book List
Ungapatchka (Owlkids Books, forthcoming Fall 2026)
Gotcha Day (Orca Book Publishers, forthcoming Winter 2026)
Community Snowman (Groundwood Books, forthcoming Fall 2025)
What About an Elephant? A Fact-Filled Savanna Adventure (Owlkids Books, forthcoming Fall 2025)
No Huddles for Heloise (Orca Book Publishers, forthcoming Spring 2025)
What About an Octopus? A Fact-Filled Underwater Adventure (Owlkids Books, forthcoming Fall 2024)
Iggy Included (Scholastic Canada, forthcoming Spring 2024)
Opposite Identicals (Yellow Dog, 2023)
Next Door (Kids Can Press, 2023)
Ary’s Trees (Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2023)
The Late, Great Endlings; Stories of the Last Survivors (Orca Book Publishers, 2022)
When Spider Met Shrew (Groundwood Books, 2022)
Rainy Days (Pajama Press, 2022)
Whirl (Owlkids Books, 2022)
Grumble Yawn (Orca Book Publishers, 2022)
Windy Days (Pajama Press, 2021)
Swish Slosh (Orca Book Publishers, 2021)
Fred & Marjorie: A Doctor, a Dog, and the Discovery of Insulin (Owlkids Books, 2021)
Sunny Days (Pajama Press, 2021)
Like a Duck (Scholastic Canada, 2021)
This House is Home (Owlkids Books, 2021)
Snow Days (Pajama Press, 2020)
Slow Moe (Orca Book Publishers, 2020)
When Molly Drew Dogs (Owlkids Books, 2019)
Before You Were Born (Pajama Press, 2019)
Sun Dog ( Pajama Press, 2018)
My Deal with the Universe (Scholastic Canada, 2018)
Feathered (Kids Can Press, 2016)
Bye-Bye, Evil Eye (Dancing Cat Books, 2014)
Under the Moon (Dancing Cat Books, 2012)
Lure (Dundurn Press, 2010)
Girl on the Other Side (Dundurn Press, 2009)
Mackenzie, Lost and Found (Dundurn Press, 2008)